Hokitika Gorge

This Wednesday Piwakawaka went to the Hokitika Gorge. Since the bridge was unsafe we only went to the first lookout. Then we went to Tara’s granddad’s farm to look at the Alpine Fault. It was raining hard. Then we had to draw a sketch of the Alpine fault and we had to find two stones. Then we went back to school. Have you gone to the Hokitika Gorge?


Kapa haka

On Wednesday the Kapa Haka group went to Reefton to do a performance. I went with my mum and a kid called Albert. When we got there we could smell yummy sausages when we got into the school we saw lots of people. First, we did practice information. The first song was The School Song the second one was ‘Kaniere’ the third was Ko te Whirika the fourth was Taku Poi and the last one was The Boys’ Haka it was fun. When we finished the performance my mum got me a piece of chocolate brownie it was yummy then we went home.



A couple of weeks ago we did some planting my budde was Nixon first we had to dig a hole then we had to cut the carpet under the dirt. Then I  and Nixon. Then we had to check if it was deep enough. Then we need to take the plastic off the bottom of the plant. First, you had to put your two front fingers between the stalk and flip it upside down then you pall on the plastic and then it will come off. Then you put it in the hole I and Nixon planted two. What is your favorite plant?


This week I played rugby with Kobe it was called Turbo Touch the Points where 42  21  Kobe got 5 and I got 2 points the game was really fun. Then I did a  challenge about how can stay on the tire the longest Nixon one.


Is week I did some math about money first we had to do some equations that were pritty easy but then they were a bit harder this time. And she said if you can do money you can do des malls.

Diamante poem

This week I did a diamante poem. In a diamante poem, you need nouns adjectives, and verbs. and the words have to be the opposite of each other. I did it about being happy and angry. My favorite part was putting the pictures onto the poem. in the poem, there is one noun and two adjectives, and three verbs on each sides. and I have learned about adjectives ‘ nouns and verbs