
This week I played rugby with Kobe it was called Turbo Touch the Points where 42  21  Kobe got 5 and I got 2 points the game was really fun. Then I did a  challenge about how can stay on the tire the longest Nixon one.


Is week I did some math about money first we had to do some equations that were pritty easy but then they were a bit harder this time. And she said if you can do money you can do des malls.

Diamante poem

This week I did a diamante poem. In a diamante poem, you need nouns adjectives, and verbs. and the words have to be the opposite of each other. I did it about being happy and angry. My favorite part was putting the pictures onto the poem. in the poem, there is one noun and two adjectives, and three verbs on each sides. and I have learned about adjectives ‘ nouns and verbs

Beach Clean Up

on Wednesday me Finnian and Enviroschools went to pick up rubbish on the beach. First, we had to measure the beach, so we checked the same area as the last time Crusaders surveyed last year. Emma from Sustainable Coastline’s marked the rectangle we had to try rubbish in. Finnian found a Nerf ballet and I found a jandal and tennis ball. it was for Enviroschools and looking after our beach was fun. .


This week in maths I was adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in a maths group.

  • and we did art that is made out of cardboard.

we could choose from two shapes.

then we had to glue little pieces onto the shapes.

Rotation Art

I completed my first art in 2023.  first, I got a piece of paper and wrote it bigger and bigger. Then we folded it and copied it moldable times so then it turned into a shape. what would your rotation art be like?